
Jade was actually a large amount of money collection filled dyed goods , Chinese jewelry

Related articles: people seen the movie The old crater emerald movie hard to find in this world it is crazy, is now also being played out in real life, It is understood that, for the past 10 years, the price of jade soaring up times and several times in different grades of products. As a result, the team of investors is growing, Emerald investors some professional collectors, has now been extended to ordinary consumers, but many of them blindly follow the trend of losses.

10 years, at least up tenfold nearly 15 years jade jewelry dealer Wang Lihua, frankly, all these years Jade popular Tangshan consumer, the past three years, the jade worth jump up about four times, and some boutique worth a year doubled. Wang Lihua, for example, an ice kinds of floating flower bracelet, offer 2 million in the beginning of last year, the end of last year rose to 50,000 yuan, and has soared to about 80,000 yuan. emerald prices rose, the fundamental reason lies in the non-renewable raw jade stone increasingly scarce. heard that some members of the public jade prices continue to follow the trend to buy, in fact, the consumer is very irrational. despite emerald rose The price, however, has a store of value, the value-added features emerald, or limited to a fine texture emerald. A large amount of money was actually filled collection dyeings the buy jade, it is estimated that the price has now gone up several times.

reporters accompanied him to the gem Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Station, identified their favorite part of the Emerald unexpected results. The test results, Mr Chow spent nearly 11 million collection of jade actually all goods B and C goods. Mr Chow can not be reconciled, usually carry out the jade identification books, pointing is identified as one of the marble texture bracelet said: . This mentality is not active collection, active investment, but should take the initiative to learn the knowledge of jade identification mentality and jade identification is an observation science, sometimes is not enough to light by virtue of book knowledge, you need to learn through formal channels.

Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Station of Wang Fenglan introduced. only have the appreciation of the value of goods A Wang Fenglan told reporters on level terms, the emerald is divided into a total of three grades, Grade A, B, and C grade. A-level, industry, also known as A cargo refers to the color and transparency of the jade is natural, to determine whether an emerald A cargo, the safest method is the use of professional equipment such as infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy; B that B goods, artificial pickling, filled with bleach, plastic injection treated B Jade Cargo will feel luster with the naked eye dull, dull, showing waxy. Many irregular crack turtle and ablating pits on the surface is observed under the microscope; while grade C or C goods are usually the cheapest raw jade artificial staining was observed with the naked eye can be seen that the color tone is not normal, bright with evil color, dyed green jade, green, bluish presented. Wang Fenglan told reporters, the emerald A, B, C in three grades, the only A-grade jade have a hedge against inflation, appreciation of the value. Emerald color in the natural world can be said that the ever-changing varieties of green, red, yellow, blue, purple, black and white, green is the best. want the collection and investment Jade, but also the selection of boutique A cargo.

How to pick boutique A cargo? Wang Fenglan proposed to consider the four species, color, workers, as well as flaws. standards. Concentrated is the color saturation, Yang is Jade there is no gray tones, look translucent; positive means the color is green is green, blue is blue, yellow-green is not as good as green color do not be partial; uniform color should be uniform. Observing the color of jade Do not look in the bright light, to be observed in natural daylight, incomplete because of the strong light spectral color of emerald light sources and environmental impact. In addition, defects less best no black little cracks, Bai Xu and black minerals. The process is also very important, the design style, carved the added value of the process is also an important factor in assessing the value of jade investment collection, more strong process works, the more the machine can not be replaced by technology, and its appreciation of the space, the greater. investment, should not blindly follow the trend and hype.

appreciation easily realizable difficult interview, professional financial planner Liu Jianmin, suggested that the decision to return there immediately Investment Gem impossible, due to the characteristics of the gem and the characteristics of the market demand, realized relatively long period, less realizable ways, so to do the preparation of long-term investment, many collectors are also like investments, followed by the for-profit purposes. told reporters, choose the gem before investing departure should be the actual economic situation of the individual or family, not just focus on a hot, best reasonable grasp of investment in wind direction, some funds early vote in the house, do not give up the other aspects of the investment, the most good rational allocation of stock, real estate, funds, savings and investment, Gem investment accounted for a total investment of 10% -20% can.

